Real estate agency

360º services specialized in Real Estate
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If you are thinking of selling your home, start the process easily and efficiently with our free valuation service.
Our online form makes every step easy:
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¿Quieres saber lo que vale tu casa?

Valoramos tu inmueble de manera gratuita
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About us

What makes us different as a Real Estate agency

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Registered in the API College and association. We are also part of the Barcelona college of surveyors.
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Our experience allows us to advise the client.

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Experts in the sector

360º service, quality in real estate marketing.

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We are transparent and responsible in our work.

Jordi Yetor y Oriol Tarragó en las oficinas de Immotècnics

Immotècnics real estate agency

We have a consolidated and qualified team

Immotècnics, the Real Estate company, was founded in 2014 and we currently have offices at street level in Granollers, Barcelona and Caldes d'Estrac.

We stand out for being the only real estate company specialized in Real Estate that presents its services through its boutiques, a new concept in the sector, which fuses personalized treatment with high performance in terms of real estate marketing, achieving an experience unique for each of our clients.

They trust us

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We are experts and leaders in Vallès, Maresme and Barcelona

We make a free valuation of your property
